Permaculture Design Work

My focus in Permaculture Design is on Education. I also have over 30 years experience working in mainstream education and special educational needs.
My vision for my permaculture design work with others is to:
Instigate thought and produce designers
Build different forms of capital
Recognise multiple intelligences
Share learning
Develop thinking outside the box
Develop nature connection

The programmes I will have on offer are in the design stage but will include:

For Schools

Integrating Permaculture and Sustainability into the Key Stage 3 Curriculum
ASDAN Gardening and Enviroment Short Course with a Permaculture Twist
Nature Connection as a Careers Decision Making Process 
Introduction to Permaculture Courses
Careers and Future Planning using Permaculture Tools
Applying Permaculture Design to Teaching
Using Permaculture Ethics, Principles and Tools to develop Sustainable Decision Making in School Management

For Community

Introduction to Permaculture Courses
Permaculture Design Certificates

If you would like to speak with me about any of these please send me a message by clicking the button below.